Diversion for a Playwrights writers block

Posts tagged “Susan Tedeschi

Iced Coffee and Susan Tedeschi

So after many weeks of a stagnant summer and a few marathons of TV shows – thank you Netflix I have decided to be proactive and get out of the funk that has become my post collegiate life. To say that I have been unproductive is a severe understatement, I think my productivity falls somewhere between sloth like behavior and outright narcolepsy. At first I blamed it on the exhaustion of running at full speed towards a brick wall that was my last semester at school. But after two months of extreme potato couching and a self-esteem hit from school dictating that I spend money that I don’t have to fulfill a requirement that I thought I finished – Thank you state school bureaucracy – I have decided to maintain my writing prowess however sad it is by utilizing this blog once again. So I find my self at a Starbucks that looks like the other three  of four Starbucks in this small town at my lap top again. I have updated my Facebook status and checked my phone at least a dozen times before actually sitting down to write this, having a clear head is key. I have an old favorite playing by Susan Tedeschiand as she wails on her bluesy electric guitar singing about an earth shattering heartbreak I sit staring at the blinking cursor that says “be brilliant” with every blink of its expectant impatience.  I am fulfilling the old

cliché that writers have of sitting at coffee shop being all brooding and introspective in a room full of strangers that don’t know their brilliance waiting for the words to come and yet they don’t. So I hit repeat on the song and sip my iced coffee, though I may not have written my next best play, I take solace in knowing that today I chose to leave the red seductive glow of Netflix and got out of my funk…for now.

“be brilliant…be brilliant….be brilliant”